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There’s a saying: Love is proactive, passionate, and an ardent pursuit. Even if the future is uncertain, the regret of loving wholeheartedly is nonexistent.
When a man loves you, his words are gentle, actions considerate. Whatever you say or like, he remembers. Yet, when he falls out of love, care dwindles, pleas go unanswered—the chilling indifference reveals his departure.
A man truly in love is deeply invested in your affairs. Your concerns become his, and his focus centers on you. In the minutiae of life, he observes, cares for your feelings. When sadness strikes, he comforts like a caring brother, providing solace. Love prompts him to address all your matters, weathering life’s storms together. When love fades, he turns indifferent, neglecting your concerns. Messages seeking help go unnoticed; phone calls for companionship dismissed as melodramatic until breakup becomes your only recourse.
They say a man’s heart lies where he invests his time. A man enamored always finds time for you. Despite work or social obligations, he carves out moments to be with you—sharing a meal, watching a movie, or strolling down the street, considering it an expression of love. However, when love diminishes, he becomes too busy. Like my cousin, married life is overshadowed by her husband’s relentless work. Juggling life’s minutiae alone, she discovers, at 35, he’s busily engaged with another woman. When a man ceases to love, spending time on you feels like a waste. The more he loves, the more willingly he invests his time, cherishing even mundane moments.
Betraying a marriage signifies his heart has wandered to another. Regardless of your efforts or pleas, he deems reconciliation impossible. A man truly in love guards his heart, ensuring no other woman occupies its core. Love is exclusive. When a man loves someone else, your place in his heart fades. While you dedicate yourself, he forcibly evicts you from his world. Falling for another is his blunt way of saying, “I’m not in love anymore,” awaiting your departure.
In the realm of relationships, a man communicates his love—or lack thereof—bluntly. Feeling cherished, respected, accepted, and guarded signifies genuine love. When love wanes, you sense endless apathy. No matter your efforts, penetrating his innermost being seems impossible. When someone stops loving you, retrieve your sincerity, treat yourself well, and know when to cut your losses.