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Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope for the 12 Zodiac Signs (March 11 – March 17)

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March is a period of “dispelling illusions.” This week, Mercury interacts with Pluto, prompting deeper thinking—seeing the essence of things, understanding the truth, and spontaneously dispelling unrealistic fantasies, including expectations of others. If, in the past few weeks, you have been speculating about someone’s thoughts, intentions, or even making excuses for them through subtle clues to seek self-comfort, it’s time to wake up.

This could be an illusion about someone you unilaterally like, or about a friend, partner, or colleague for whom you still have expectations—even thinking they wouldn’t “treat you like that.” But Pluto’s energy is telling you—the fact is that, don’t deceive yourself anymore.

Mercury also governs communication and exchange, so when Pluto touches Mercury’s energy, we will also find that verbal communication becomes very direct, harsh, and even a bit sharp. Therefore, this situation should be used according to the specific atmosphere and environment. If you blurt out without thinking, it may bring unnecessary trouble. Mercury also represents transportation, and this situation will also touch on some people’s “road rage” emotions.

However, Venus will also enter a new position this week, which is conducive to the expression of Venus’s energy, and entering the water sign, Venus also carries healing energy. If you are very drained and unhappy in a relationship, just experienced a breakup, or the ambiguity has cooled down, or if you have suffered financial losses, then this astrological occurrence will bring you healing—over the next three weeks, things will gradually improve, and there will also be other opportunities appearing in your life.

Venus entering the water sign will also inspire our compassion, very suitable for doing some charity or volunteering work. Or at this time, your introspection frequency is high, seeking ways to improve yourself, so you may read books, establish beliefs, visit religious places, or absorb energy through some chat conversations, getting the opportunity to “enlighten.” You may also be enlightened by others’ reminders or suggestions. In short, use this astrological occurrence well, it will help you seek benefits and avoid harm.

Of course, after Venus enters the water sign, those who, due to childhood experiences of lack of love, need to be recognized, paid attention to, and need to be loved after growing up, may be a bit emotional. At this time, please do not feel “abandoned.” On the contrary, broaden the dimension of your vision, and you can actually feel a lot of love.

This astrological occurrence also indicates that some people will deal with pet-related matters, and some people will have to take vaccines or other injections.

We also need to pay attention to another astrological occurrence, that is, the Sun interacts with Neptune, which can easily lead to procrastination, stubbornness, and even a situation where you clearly like someone but still want to show off, showing a different attitude. Combined with the overall astrology of this week, if you are really too proud, you may miss out on something.

This astrological occurrence also needs attention, as there may be some confusion in travel due to memory confusion and weather conditions. At the same time, this astrological occurrence also indicates that some people are considering rights protection and job changes.

Health tips for this week: acne, sprains, cervical spine, urticaria, hemorrhoids, liver, teeth, bones, edema, blisters, and external injuries.

The above is the influence of the general social environment.

Reference: Sun sign, Ascendant sign (both need to be referenced)

Sun or Ascendant in Aries

Mercury is interacting with Pluto, bringing you good luck – perhaps your friends, colleagues, or a partner can help you solve problems in the first half of the week, and during this time, you may also meet new people through others – resources, clients, contacts, etc. This week is suitable for active socializing and networking, and you will soon reap rewards. Venus will also enter a new position this week, which is not conducive to emotional relationships – the disadvantage is that you may resist communication, and when faced with ideas or requests from your partner, you may choose to be cold and have resistant thoughts. You just don’t want to deal with it temporarily, so don’t ignore it; expressing your attitude can resolve the issue. For singles, this aspect is prone to crushes or secret dates. You also need to be aware that non-single individuals may show interest in you, and you need to reject them promptly. However, this aspect is favorable for your financial fortune, and you may receive red envelopes, bonuses, or gifts. Some people will also participate in training this week, or go to other companies or teams for research and learning. Some will continue to travel. The Sun is interacting with Neptune, so pay attention to your health, such as sleep and throat; some may be prone to allergic reactions or blisters. The atmosphere at home may become tense, and there may be conflicts in parent-child relationships, or conflicts between you and your parents, so emotional management is needed. Some may hear some secrets, truths, or gossip this week, which will surprise you. In terms of work, efficiency will improve this week. Both work and personal matters will appear in the first half of the week, causing some chaos, but someone will help and resolve it quickly. Additionally, there are projects to wrap up this week, along with some financial settlements.

Love, don’t avoid problems.

Sun or Ascendant in Taurus

Mercury is currently in your 12th house, which easily brings you many opportunities for introspection. Also, Pluto is interacting with Mercury, and you are thinking about how to delegate things that are not your responsibility. You will succeed in the first half of the week. In addition, this aspect also represents some people preparing for the upcoming holidays, possibly preparing things in advance or even applying for leave. Some people will also make reimbursement applications this week. This aspect may also bring situations where you learn secrets from a friend or a friend confides in you – possibly involving the other person’s finances or emotional life. This week, Venus will also enter a new position, which may improve your opinion of someone. Perhaps you used to dislike this person, but this week you will change your mind. Or, you originally had a good impression of this person, but you learned something this week that changed your impression drastically. Some people will have more contact and understanding with people they already know but are not familiar with, and may even spark ambiguous sparks. This week, some people may welcome career advancement opportunities, such as promotions or transfers. For job seekers, there may be opportunities for referrals or recommendations. This aspect also brings some people opportunities to participate in activities, attend weddings, birthday parties, etc. This week, there will also be an increase in social spending. The Sun is interacting with Neptune, so pay attention to your health issues, such as diarrhea, acne, or discomfort in the chest; a small number of people may make medical appointments. This aspect also requires attention to encountering fraudulent information, so be wary of being deceived. In terms of work, in the first half of the week, you need to push off some responsibilities, which may involve a pit or passing the buck. Additionally, someone in the office may make inappropriate jokes that make you unhappy, but cooperation will improve in the second half of the week, and some people will prepare for business trips.

Love, ambiguity is slowly brewing.

Sun or Ascendant in Gemini

If you are mistakenly thought to have done something you didn’t do, you need to learn to protect yourself, not be timid, and speak up bravely. This week, Mercury is interacting with Pluto, and you may feel that some people are unfriendly towards you, or people who used to be nice to you are now cold towards you for no apparent reason. There must be a reason for this, so find out the cause and resolve it. This aspect also brings emotional issues to some people, perhaps arguments with partners, or singles discovering that the person they like has a different status (leading to disappointment or shattered illusions). Venus will soon enter a new position that is conducive to seeking career development, and you may receive good news in your career because of a certain woman or finalize a certain project. Some people will formally announce news or start a new job in a new work environment this week. You will make progress in your financial fortune this week, but you may spend money to balance relationships and socialize, or even make advances for work. You may also need to spend money on a family member. If you have a pet, you may need to pay attention to its health this week or spend money on it. The interaction between the Sun and Neptune reminds you that this is still a period of many personnel changes in the workplace. In terms of work, due to the interaction between Mercury and Pluto, other departments may be nitpicking, or there may be situations where each department is making things difficult for the other at the project level, which will improve after Thursday. Additionally, with Venus entering a new position, some people will participate in team-building activities this week. This week, there may also be the possibility of collaboration falling through. The interaction between the Sun and Neptune reminds you to beware of mistakes, especially communication or documentation errors, which can lead to wasting time.

Love, don’t have too high expectations.

Sun or Ascendant in Cancer

This is a week where you are likely to know a lot of gossip, or you may have learned some gossip last week – from your work circle, industry peers, or a prominent figure, there will be new developments this week. The interaction between Mercury and Pluto brings some people a windfall, and some may even win a prize. However, it is worth noting that health may decline this week, with a tendency to sprain, pay attention to the neck, skin problems, and some may still be prone to some external injuries. This aspect also brings some people tasks related to running banks or dealing with banking matters, and some may also need to obtain certificates. Venus will enter a new position this week, which is a good aspect for those who are watching for new jobs, preparing to change jobs, or are unemployed, especially in the next three weeks, you may send resumes, interview, and receive offers. This aspect is also favorable for exams, training, second-hand transactions, bidding, and some may still need to travel this week. You may also attend performances, concerts, or other artistic events this week. Venus also brings some single individuals opportunities for romantic encounters. Perhaps this person may not be physically attractive to you, but they have other qualities that are very suitable for you, so you can try to get to know them, or even go on a date. The interaction between the Sun and Neptune reminds you to be careful of being late, getting lost, delayed, or electronic devices malfunctioning, and some need to be careful of traffic fines. In terms of work, due to the interaction between Mercury and Pluto, superiors may shift blame or change and even increase some requirements temporarily, causing you to work overtime. You may also need to ask others to help solve some procedural problems, and there will be many meetings this week, so good time management is needed. With Venus entering a new position, some people may need to temporarily support projects in other departments.

Love, see the inner qualities of others.

Sun or Ascendant in Leo

This week, Mercury is interacting with Pluto, and you will receive feedback in the first half of the week, whether it’s a reply you’ve been waiting for or confirmation of a document or file. Additionally, some people will receive the results of job interviews this week. This aspect also indicates that some people need to find someone to guarantee for them or still need to deal with some document-related matters. This week, chatting with a friend or even a relatively unfamiliar person can give you a lot of energy and help you unravel some confusion in your mind, so don’t resist communication. If you are not single, your partner may have upcoming business trips or some changes in work. For singles, there may be long-distance or online romantic opportunities. Venus will enter a new position this week, bringing you a windfall, including winning prizes, receiving gifts, or encountering social spending situations. This aspect also represents dealing with banking matters for some people, or some people may undergo medical beauty treatments or change hairstyles, etc. Additionally, Venus entering this position will also bring some people romantic encounters or intimate experiences. The interaction between the Sun and Neptune reminds you to beware of procrastination and laziness, and avoid such situations.

Love, do not create illusions for yourself.

Sun or Ascendant in Virgo

Pluto will provide energy to Mercury, which is your ruling planet – this week you will feel the energy returning and your state will improve a lot, and you will be more enthusiastic about creating value. You often think about whether what you are doing is meaningful and valuable, and this week you will find your goal and receive very positive feedback at work, so be prepared for a very busy week. This aspect also brings opportunities for some people to deal with important individuals. For those seeking jobs or job changes, this aspect is also favorable for you to interview and search for new opportunities. Additionally, continue to pay attention to pet-related matters this week. Some people need to handle some rights protection matters, or logistics, returns, and exchanges. You may need to pay attention to the relationship between your parents on the family front, as there may be conflicts between them. Soon, Venus will enter a new position, which brings single individuals opportunities for romantic encounters. In the next three weeks, you can actively socialize, or if you had some ambiguous interactions with someone before but it didn’t go anywhere, if you still have feelings for them, you can take the initiative to show goodwill. Some people are preparing to register for marriage, get married (the energy from last week’s New Moon is still lingering). The interaction between Mercury and Pluto also brings you opportunities to visit government offices, find suppliers, and purchase items through acquaintances (seeking discounts). Some people will also participate in competitions, speeches, and bidding. The interaction between the Sun and Neptune reminds you to be wary of deceptive words from a certain man, who may use your competitive spirit or your tendency to be soft-hearted to persuade you to agree to his requests, so be cautious. In terms of work, this week will be busy, and there may be sudden situations, one moment one request, and even some additional tasks for you to handle temporarily, with many variables, but within your capabilities, so don’t worry. Additionally, a small number of people may be preparing to resign.

Love, don’t limit your vision too narrowly.

Sun or Ascendant in Libra

We have all experienced being spoken to in the gentlest way with the harshest words, right? This week you may experience it. Perhaps you want to do something, or you are currently cooperating with someone, or even in a relationship, but someone around you will remind you and worry about you because they may know better than you what kind of person this is – really, listen to advice. This aspect also brings some people financial fortune, through recommendations from others, meeting new clients or establishing new cooperation opportunities. Additionally, this aspect also brings some people romantic encounters, and the other party may have an age gap with you. However, this week you need to pay attention to the health of female elders and children, or spend money on them. A small number of people may hope to become parents, so you can work hard this week. Venus will enter a new position this week, which is favorable for your career, including some people who want to do side jobs, change jobs, start businesses, etc., and you can make good use of the next three weeks. Additionally, due to a relationship with a certain woman, you may receive good opportunities or positive news in your career. The interaction between the Sun and Neptune reminds you to pay attention to health, allergies, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, or urinary system-related health issues, and some people may need to visit medical institutions this week. There will also be many meetings this week, or training sessions to participate in, and there may also be related “exams” to take. If you are not single, the interaction between Mercury and Pluto may bring some serious conversations this week, which may discuss materialistic topics, or there may have been some conflicts between you that have been dragging on, and this week you may touch on this topic and need to resolve it. In terms of work, the interaction between Mercury and Pluto this week brings about the implementation of cooperation, and cooperation will be concluded before the weekend. From Monday to Wednesday, please avoid being late to avoid being caught, and pay attention to data and document errors due to the relationship with Neptune.

Love, others’ reminders are important.

Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio

Mercury is interacting with Pluto, and in the first three days of this week, you may feel very busy, even if you don’t have many things to do, but they are very trivial, and there may also be situations where you are suddenly invited to meet. However, this aspect will bring you many achievements – because of socializing, you will also meet important people. If you happen to need someone to introduce you, you can do it in the first half of the week. This aspect also represents some people needing to handle housing matters, or to purchase some household items, or even to buy some new home furnishings, furniture, etc. (or some appliances). And the current position of Mercury is also related to pets, so you may need to spend money on pets this week, or look for pet care services. There is also an important aspect this week, which is Venus entering a new position. If you are not expecting emotional relationships, you can use this aspect to earn money well, which will also boost your financial fortune. However, if you are expecting romance and new relationships, Venus will open up new opportunities for you, and you may already be in a state of understanding, with ambiguous interactions. This aspect can give you more motivation. If you are not single and want to become parents, you can work hard in the next three weeks. You will also hear news of someone’s pregnancy or childbirth this week, or still need to spend money on children. The fortune from side endeavors is also good this week, and you may also receive gifts. Some people will be on vacation this week or still have travel arrangements. In terms of work, the interaction between Mercury and Pluto this week brings about some changes in responsibilities, which means you may exchange tasks with other colleagues or help each other out. In the first half of the week, you may take a sudden leave or need to support tasks from other departments. There are also some social occasions to attend this week. There will also be project settlements this week or some people will apply for reimbursement.

Love, do not have a mindset of winning or losing in relationships.

Sun or Ascendant in Sagittarius

Mercury’s interaction with Pluto indicates that this week you may have a rare moment of relaxation or be preparing to travel. This aspect also brings romantic opportunities for some. The interaction between Pluto and Mercury may lead to ambiguous communication, or you may meet new people through private events. Some may be preparing to meet online friends. Additionally, you may seek advice or help from friends in different locations, and there could be positive developments. This aspect also brings financial luck. For those aspiring to become parents, you may make efforts this week. You may also prepare gifts for or spend money on children. Your relationship with a certain woman may reach a point where you need to have a candid conversation. This week, you may also purchase electronic products or related accessories. With Venus entering a new position, you may be visiting or hosting friends at home, or there could be overnight stays. This aspect also indicates purchases of household items or home renovations. Some may be planning to move. Over the next three weeks, some may be preparing to introduce their partner to their parents or making marriage-related plans. The Sun’s interaction with Neptune suggests you should pay attention to the health of male elders or plumbing issues at home. Some may encounter neighborhood disputes or property-related complaints. This week also requires handling some logistics. In the workplace, Mercury’s interaction with Pluto brings the conclusion of tasks and projects. There may also be successful negotiations and settlement of project payments. A few may have informal job interviews.

Love: Act on your feelings.

Sun or Ascendant in Capricorn

If you’re still deceiving yourself, it means you haven’t been hurt enough. This statement may be harsh, but it could be your current reality. Mercury’s interaction with Pluto requires you to wake up, let go of obsessions, accept reality, and take action—your procrastination needs improvement. This aspect may also bring family conflicts or the need to clean, discard, repair, or repurchase items at home. Some may be preparing to rent a new house or thinking about and planning real estate transactions, which this aspect favors. Venus entering a new position this week indicates short trips or travel. Some may be preparing for job interviews, learning new skills, buying books, or registering for activities. You may also visit artistic venues or engage in second-hand transactions. Some may cancel a scheduled appointment in the first half of the week. This aspect also brings ambiguity to some relationships, but it may not last, or you may soon see through the other person’s facade. Also, due to Venus’ influence, some may be planning for cosmetic procedures or attending weddings or birthday celebrations. The Sun’s interaction with Neptune warns against emotional spending, and some may need to be cautious about fines this week. In the workplace, you need to improve your procrastination habits and may have to deal with people you dislike or uncomfortable situations. Cooperation improves in the second half of the week.

Love: Don’t retreat too much.

Sun or Ascendant in Aquarius

Mercury’s interaction with Pluto requires you to stand firm in your position in the first half of the week, as someone may be trying to persuade you to agree to their demands. This aspect may also lead to arguments and interpersonal conflicts. However, it is very beneficial for you to strive for something, participate in bidding, or competitions. Some may receive interview invitations or job offers. This week, pay attention to traffic conditions, as there may be delays or cancellations. Some may experience electronic device damage, malfunctions, or data loss, so remember to save regularly. Some may undergo medical examinations or deal with insurance matters this week. Venus entering your financial house improves your financial luck, and some may receive windfalls or gifts. Some may need to address dental issues, such as cosmetic procedures, corrections, or treatments. Some may also exchange foreign currency or seek discounts through acquaintances. Some may end a relationship (including breaking up) this week. Venus’ influence may lead to breaking the illusion for singles, especially if there is ambiguity or infatuation with someone. However, this aspect may also bring some people a chance for a salary increase. The Sun’s interaction with Neptune may bring some emotional turmoil. In the workplace, Venus brings cooperation, suitable for socializing, negotiating, and establishing partnerships. There may be the conclusion of projects and processes, with some working from home or taking leave.

Love: Recognize your charm.

Sun or Ascendant in Pisces

Last week’s new moon in your sign marked the beginning of letting go, even if it’s just mentally, which is an important step forward. This week, Venus will enter your sign, further enhancing your fortune. So, be social and integrate yourself into groups. If you’re single, Venus will maximize your charm, so make an effort to meet new people as romance may be on the horizon in the next three weeks. This aspect also strengthens your financial luck, but there will still be many expenses related to social interactions, and you may have to spend some money or make advances for work. Mercury’s interaction with Pluto may bring you some insider information or reveal gray areas in the workplace, including potential legal or ethical issues involving someone around you, but you don’t need to act on it now. This aspect also indicates visits to medical facilities or visiting a friend who is not feeling well. Some may visit religious places this week. You may also be looking forward to a trip, which you can plan this week, or some may be preparing to go on vacation. The Sun’s interaction with Neptune may bring some emotional turmoil, so don’t immerse yourself in sadness or feel abandoned. Also, some men may encourage and acknowledge you this week. There will be many meetings or training sessions for you, and you may have to deal with important people or tasks from superiors. In the workplace, cooperation improves in the second half of the week, and some issues related to others taking over or violating regulations can be resolved this week. Some may work from home or take leave.

Love: Don’t get too carried away.

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Sophia Brown
Sophia Brown

As a young girl, I was always fascinated with the concept of love and relationships. I would watch romantic movies and read books about love stories. I would listen to my friends as they shared their dating experiences and problems in their relationships. It became a passion for me to understand why relationships work or fail.

As I grew older, I realized that there are so many people who struggle in their relationships, and they often feel lost and hopeless. I wanted to help them find their way to a successful and fulfilling relationship. This is why I would like to be a relationship advice writer.

Through my writing, I hope to help people navigate the complexities of dating and relationships. I believe that my experiences, combined with my passion and knowledge, can provide valuable insights and advice to those who seek it. My goal is to create a safe and welcoming space where people can share their struggles and find the answers they need to find happiness and love.

To achieve this goal, I will continue to educate myself on relationship psychology, communication skills, and effective problem-solving techniques. I will also strive to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and research in the field of relationships. With hard work, dedication, and a genuine desire to help others, I am confident that I can make a positive impact on the lives of many.

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